


1. 高蛋白:刀豆是高蛋白食物,每100克刀豆含有约21克蛋白质,是植物性蛋白质的良好来源。

2. 低脂肪:刀豆的脂肪含量较低,每100克刀豆仅含有约0.1克脂肪,适合追求健康饮食的人群。

3. 低热量:刀豆的热量较低,每100克刀豆约含有31千卡热量,适合减肥和控制体重的人群。

4. 丰富矿物质:刀豆富含钾、铁、镁、钙等矿物质,有助于维持身体电解质平衡和骨骼健康。

5. 膳食纤维:刀豆含有较高的膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘。

6. 维生素:刀豆含有多种维生素,如维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素C等,有助于提高免疫力。


1. 增强免疫力:刀豆中的维生素C和蛋白质有助于提高免疫力,预防感冒和其他疾病。

2. 降低胆固醇:刀豆中的可溶性纤维有助于降低血液中的胆固醇水平,预防心血管疾病。

3. 抗氧化:刀豆中的抗氧化物质如类黄酮、多酚等,有助于清除体内自由基,延缓衰老。

4. 预防癌症:刀豆中的抗氧化物质和膳食纤维有助于预防癌症,特别是胃癌、肠癌等。

5. 帮助消化:刀豆中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘,改善消化系统功能。

6. 缓解贫血:刀豆中的铁质有助于预防贫血,提高血红蛋白含量。

7. 保护视力:刀豆中的维生素A有助于保护视力,预防夜盲症。


1. 煮食:将刀豆洗净,放入锅中加水煮至熟透,可搭配腊肉、咸菜等烹饪成美味的刀豆炖肉。

2. 炒食:将刀豆切成小段,与蒜、姜、辣椒等调料一起炒食,口感爽脆。

3. 凉拌:将煮熟的刀豆切成小段,加入调料拌匀,可做成清爽的凉拌刀豆。

4. 做汤:将刀豆与排骨、冬瓜等食材一起炖汤,营养丰富。






1. 健脾益气:茯苓红枣饮具有健脾益气的功效,对于脾虚湿盛、中焦虚寒所致的神疲倦怠、肢体乏力、少气懒言等症状有很好的调理作用。

2. 渗湿止泻:茯苓红枣饮具有渗湿止泻的功效,对于脘腹胀满、进食后加重、大便溏薄等症状有很好的改善作用。

3. 缓急止痛:茯苓红枣饮具有缓急止痛的功效,对于脘腹隐痛、喜温喜按、嗳气频作等症状有很好的缓解作用。

4. 补脑强身:茯苓红枣饮中的红枣具有补脑强身的作用,可以改善记忆力、增强体力。

5. 活血通络:茯苓红枣饮具有活血通络的功效,对于周身酸重、四肢麻木等症状有很好的改善作用。


1. 湿气重的人群:茯苓红枣饮具有渗湿止泻的功效,适合湿气重的人群日常保健。

2. 肥胖人群:茯苓红枣饮具有健脾益气的功效,可以帮助肥胖人群辅助治疗。

3. 脾虚湿盛的人群:茯苓红枣饮对于脾虚湿盛所致的各种症状有很好的调理作用。

4. 需要补脑强身的人群:茯苓红枣饮中的红枣具有补脑强身的作用,适合需要提高记忆力、增强体力的人群。


1. 湿热或阴虚火旺的体质不宜服用茯苓红枣饮。

2. 脾胃虚寒、气虚下陷者慎服茯苓红枣饮。

3. 茯苓红枣饮仅可用于调理机体不良症状,不可盲目以此治疗疾病。





1. 提高免疫力:石榴富含维生素C和B族维生素,能够增强人体免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。

2. 改善贫血:石榴中的叶酸和铁元素有助于促进人体对铁的吸收,改善贫血症状。

3. 促进消化:石榴籽具有促消化的作用,有助于改善消化功能,预防便秘。

4. 控血压:石榴中的钾元素有助于维持血压稳定,对于高血压患者具有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. 抗氧化:石榴中含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如石榴酸,能够清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。

6. 保护心血管:石榴中的抗氧化物质有助于降低坏胆固醇,预防动脉粥样硬化,保护心血管健康。

7. 美容养颜:石榴中的维生素C和B族维生素能够滋养肌肤,改善肤色,具有美容养颜的功效。

8. 预防口臭:石榴籽煎汁后含漱,可以防治口臭和扁桃体炎。


1. 选购新鲜石榴:购买石榴时,应选择个头饱满、色泽鲜艳、无病虫害的果实。

2. 食用时间:石榴的最佳食用时间为秋季,此时石榴口感鲜美,营养丰富。

3. 食用方法:





4. 饮食禁忌:









1. 维生素C:柿子叶中维生素C含量高达1800毫克/100克,是普通水果的数倍。维生素C具有抗氧化、增强免疫力、促进胶原蛋白合成等作用。

2. 芦丁:芦丁具有软化血管、防止动脉硬化的作用,有助于降低血压、血脂。

3. 胆碱:胆碱对大脑和神经系统有保护作用,有助于提高记忆力。

4. 黄酮类化合物:黄酮类化合物具有抗氧化、抗炎、抗过敏等作用。

5. 氨基酸:柿子叶中含有人体必需的17种氨基酸,有助于维持人体正常生理功能。


1. 杀菌止痒:柿子叶中含有丰富的单宁酸,具有杀菌、止痒作用。将柿子叶煮水泡澡,可清洁皮肤、杀菌止痒。

2. 润肤止痒:柿子叶中的营养成分有助于滋润皮肤,缓解皮肤干燥、瘙痒等症状。

3. 消炎活血:柿子叶具有消炎、活血作用,可改善局部血液循环,缓解疼痛。

4. 防癌抗癌:柿子叶中的多种活性成分具有抗癌作用,可抑制肿瘤细胞生长。

5. 降压降脂:柿子叶具有降低血压、血脂的作用,对高血压、高血脂患者具有一定的保健作用。

6. 促进新陈代谢:柿子叶中的营养成分有助于促进机体新陈代谢,改善亚健康状态。

7. 保健作用:柿子叶对老年人高血压、冠心病等疾病具有一定的保健作用。


1. 柿子叶茶:将柿子叶洗净,晒干,用开水冲泡饮用。具有清热解毒、降血压、降血脂等功效。

2. 柿子叶泡澡:将柿子叶煮水,泡澡时加入适量,具有杀菌止痒、滋润皮肤等作用。

3. 柿子叶炒菜:将柿子叶洗净,焯水后,可加入各种调料炒菜食用。

4. 柿子叶炖汤:将柿子叶洗净,与肉类、药材等一起炖汤,具有滋阴润燥、清热解毒等功效。





1. 碳水化合物:玉米中含有丰富的碳水化合物,是人体能量的主要来源之一。每100克玉米含有约23克碳水化合物,可以迅速补充人体所需的能量。

2. 蛋白质:玉米中的蛋白质含量较高,每100克玉米含有约4克蛋白质,对于维持人体健康具有重要意义。

3. 膳食纤维:玉米含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘,降低肠道疾病的风险。

4. 维生素:玉米中含有多种维生素,如维生素A、B族维生素、维生素C、维生素E等。这些维生素对于增强免疫力、维护皮肤健康、促进新陈代谢等方面具有重要作用。

5. 矿物质:玉米中含有丰富的矿物质,如钙、磷、铁、钾、镁等。这些矿物质对于维持人体骨骼、心血管、神经系统等系统的正常功能具有重要意义。


1. 增强免疫力:玉米中的维生素A、维生素C等具有抗氧化作用,可以增强人体免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。

2. 保护心血管:玉米中的膳食纤维可以降低血液中的胆固醇,预防心血管疾病。此外,玉米中的镁元素有助于维持心脏健康。

3. 促进消化:玉米中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘,改善消化系统功能。

4. 降低血糖:玉米中的碳水化合物含量适中,不会导致血糖急剧升高。因此,适量食用玉米对糖尿病患者具有一定的益处。

5. 延缓衰老:玉米中的抗氧化物质可以清除体内的自由基,延缓细胞衰老,保持年轻状态。

6. 促进生长发育:玉米中的蛋白质、钙、磷等营养物质有助于儿童和青少年的生长发育。

7. 健脑益智:玉米中的B族维生素有助于提高大脑功能,促进智力发展。


1. 玉米可煮、蒸、烤等多种烹饪方式,可根据个人口味选择。

2. 适量食用,避免过量摄入碳水化合物。

3. 注意搭配其他谷物,保持营养均衡。

4. 选择新鲜、无霉变的玉米,确保食品安全。


"Well, I’m going to take a trip to Hao Xiao Tian Yi and then I’ll save the happy bodhi old zu back to your peaceful practice in an instant."

Sue should say that finish a punch bomb broken virtual walked toward the jade palace.
Chapter 1316 Tianhaiyan
As soon as Sue came out of the Jade Palace, she thought about Qingzhou Yang.
It is convenient for him to land in the heaven when he met Wang Ran in Qingyang City, and then he collected the forces of the whole Qingyang Mountain by his own means.
This is one of his strongholds. Sue should plan to wait for more and more demons to teach people the day after tomorrow, and then all of them will be sent to heaven to be stationed in Qingyang Mountain range.
As the saying goes, there are so many mountains hidden in the city’s heaven, so it can be said that it is definitely a great help for Su Ying to grow up a little bit in the sand of the Ganges River.
Sue should take a virtual step and go directly to Qingyang Ancient Pagoda in Qingyang Mountain Range, and his mind will move directly to the top of the ancient pagoda.
"What person?"
To the king of dyeing is closed practice suddenly feel someone interest through Qingyang pagoda banned can not help but heart in a surprised.
"I don’t panic."
See bearer such as king dye face one leng suddenly surprise way "male come back! Meet the public. "
"All right, all right."
Su Ying smiled and looked at Wang Ran. "You are already a half-step god. It’s very good."
Wang Ran heard that Su Ying praised Qiao’s face and smiled. "This is all thanks to the public. Without the public, it is impossible for me to get a glimpse of the God."
Su Ying nodded and Wang Ran said yes. If he hadn’t met his own Wang Ran, it would have been impossible for him to reach the realm of the emperor.
This is the fate, some people meet noble people, if they grasp it, they can soar, otherwise they will remain so for life.
Wang Ran is obviously the former. She met Su Ying and Su Ying gave her an opportunity.
"What is the development of Qingyang Mountain now?" Sue should sit the ancient pagoda throne inquired.
Wang Ran didn’t want to think directly, saying, "Report back to the whole 600-million-mile Qingyang Mountain range, and all the clan ministers and sects are my spiritual sects, and every door owner has been banned by me. If you don’t slay it on the spot."
"Good" Sue should nod and suddenly move a finger in her heart.
For a moment, a spiritual idea entered the sea of Wang Ran’s knowledge. Looking at Wang Ran, he looked puzzled. Su Ying smiled, "This is a sacred school. You can practice in the future. You may not have failed to achieve the sacred statue. Maybe these spiritual veins will also give you a master resource."
"God reveres God"
King dye gawk back to mind JueXue whole charming body couldn’t help shivering.
Their spiritual school is the highest Juexue, that is, a true god achievement method. Even she herself only came to this step by Su Ying and Qingyang Pagoda.
But now Su Ying is ready to give her a unique skill, which can make her not excited?
This is Shenzun Avenue
If you achieve the deity, then you are the real overlord of heaven and the real enemy.
In the past, Wang Rangen didn’t even dare to think about it, but now it still feels like a dream.
"You don’t have to think much about it. After practicing hard, the benefits will be more. I’m leaving and I’ll call you."
Su Ying’s face echoed in his mind for a long time when the whole person disappeared directly.
Leaving Qingyang ancient city, Su Ying hurried to Tianhai without stopping for a moment.
Tianhai was formed by the aftermath of the collapse of heaven and earth in ancient times.
Several tributaries flowed into the river for 33 days to form a weak water Tianhe 3.
Su Ying walked all the way through the void, but it took five or six days to feel the place in the heavens and the earth.
"The treasure house of Ganyuan Venerable is a tributary of Tianhai, but it’s a pity that there are too many Tianhe in 33 days. My current strength is not calculated by Wang Baoku."
Su Ying suddenly thought that he had got Ganyuan’s powerful magical power, which was the Juexue of Ganyuan Venerable in Heaven.
The venerable Ganyuan is the same as the venerable Tongyuan.
Ganyuan Venerable Master Tongyuan Venerable patrol the sky on behalf of Su Ying, and the deserted celestial ship is owned by Tongyuan Venerable.
They are both kings of gods, but the emperors of the heavens are their right-hand men.
As soon as he landed, he saw a huge vortex, and the sea suddenly became calmer than the violent sky. A huge vortex appeared in the center of the sea, pulling four Zhou Haishui into the vortex!
"This is Tianhai"
This vortex does not enter the volume, and everything devours everything. We should see that the deep part of the vortex has a strong tearing force, tearing up the virtual tears and twisting the seawater into different dimensions, and it keeps forming and breaking. Even if the general ancestors are involved, I am afraid it will be difficult to support it for a long time and then it will be ground into slag!
"In the past, the aftermath of the big burst of heaven and earth? Really terrible! "
Sue should carefully feel the sense of touch. In this maelstrom, there is a kind of conan the destroyer’s dead breath, but it will be hidden, not contained and not leaked. But if it breaks out, it is bound to be conan the destroyer!
This kind of power makes his heart palpitation, and the breath in the whirlpool is faint, which can restrain him. Ten thousand scriptures make him feel that a thousand people in his heart are unwilling to step into it.
His ten thousand scriptures reappear the ancient glory, thirty-three days and ten levels of hell, and this whirlpool is the great destruction of heaven and earth. The aftermath once destroyed the great past, and the world threatened him greatly enough to destroy his body and everything!
"World tree breath!"
Su Ying felt a shock in her heart and suddenly felt that the world tree in this maelstrom was alive, and her eyes suddenly became brighter and heavier. "I didn’t expect there to be a world tree here."
Sue should be in situ wanted to think immediately strode towards the sea eye.
The world tree is so important to him that if he can get another piece, it will make him grow faster.
And the other body avenue can also be completely undertaken.
When the time comes, the king of God will not talk.
When he came to Haiyan and looked down at the square sea eye, it was really like a huge magic eye, which was daunting. There was a surge of earth suction in the sea eye. This suction was enough to suck a peak deity into the sea eye, and the closer it was to the suction, the greater it would be, and eventually the king of God would be pulled into the sea eye to escape!
Tianhai Haiyan is the creation of heaven and earth, and the lingering aftermath of the collapse of the world is far stronger than the human law of God, the king and the soldiers.
However, Su Ying can’t go there. There are a small number of tree fragments living outside the world, and most of them are in the hands of the gods. Su Ying’s current strength is to snatch it from these gods.
In the eyes of the sea, the debris of the world tree is the main object. If he can get it, his strength will make great progress and he may even break through to become the king of God!
However, the sea eye is really dangerous and can trap the king of God. Even Su Ying has some worries. If you enter the sea eye and come back to wait for him, it will be the old dead sea. There is no second possibility!
"This sea eye devours the breath of everything in heaven and earth, but it doesn’t show the breath of the world tree. It can be handed out from the sea eye. The fragments of the world tree in the sea eye must be serious … huh? There are still others here! "
Sue should suddenly stop and feel thick breath of the earth, and immediately search for breath. Looking at this sea eye, Fiona Fang is thousands of miles away like a huge eye.
He suddenly noticed that the sea eye was full of visions, lifeless, frantic and collapsed, and the power swept into a huge eye, just like narrowing the sea eye.
"Someone watched the operation of the sea eye in an attempt to deduce a profound mental method from the aftermath of the ancient Great Disintegration!"
Su Ying looked at the center of this huge eyeball with awe and saw that the magic eye was full of death and destruction. At the center of the eyeball, a young man stared at the sea eye, and various runes, characters, numbers and symbols appeared on the surface of a huge sphere. Crazy calculation of the operation of the sea eye attempted to reproduce the ancient great disillusionment!
Chapter 1317 is a little small
Sue should frown slightly and be alert in her heart. Look carefully and see that this young man is dressed very luxuriously and richly. He should be from an extraordinary background. Behind him stands a door, one layer of doors covers another layer of doors. I don’t know how many doors have been opened. The last layer of doors has not been opened.
Obviously, this person, like him, also opened a door and reached the peak of God.
"I am trying to reproduce the ancient grand world, but this person is trying to deduce the ancient great disillusionment. If he calculates the ancient great disillusionment, isn’t it said that he can restrain my mind?"
Su Ying’s heart was shocked. This is a very mysterious and strange way of thinking. Su Ying’s previous experience is very different.
Su Ying has seen the strong and pure Yang Gate, the Ying Zhao Merit Gate, the Demonbane Taiquan Gate and the HarmonyOS Gate Xuanzang Gate, but it’s the first time I’ve seen such a strange and strange gate!
The first floor rhyme of these doors is not strong, very weak and unsightly, just a little stronger than the divine king, which can be regarded as a common method, but the first floor rhyme breeds the second floor door, and the second floor door rhyme will go beyond the first floor, and then breed the third door, and then breed the fourth and fifth floors …
All the way to the center gate 49!
This man’s door is stronger than the first floor, and the Heaven and Earth Avenue born in the center door will be awesome!
And sue should immediately realize that this kind of mentality is not only as simple as being tough, but also the most outstanding place, that is, Ann.
When he jumped out of the door, he had to face his own way to crush it, but this person’s mentality was to jump out of the first door step by step, and he was already able to say that his god’s ability to repair was greatly improved, and he was 100% sure when he faced the second door.
When he jumps out of the second floor, his repair strength will rise to the point of jumping out of the third floor again, and so on. Finally, the 49th door can make him become more powerful!
"Emperor level center method! Who is this person? "

If the water is not deep, the dragon is the spirit.

Here, the immortal hidden dragon looms in the landscape.
Quiet house, this hidden feng shui brings together Fang aura.
It’s like being congratulated by a hundred officials
"What is this place?"
Su Yu stared at the small house in front of her eyes and unconsciously made ripples.
The feng shui here is excellent, and there are no signs of people living here.
However, it seems that people often come here to clean it, which shows that the owner of the quiet cottage is very fond of it.
Such a precious place will be lent to myself and my father?
Su Yu’s heart is confused, but Su Long is already stirring at the moment.
Quiet cottage, elegant waterside pavilion, lotus pond cyan and lotus stand on its feet.
These are all what she once said!
She’s-she’s really!
"Feather, let’s live here."
Su Long suddenly debuted, and he looked excited and looked around with nostalgia.
Su Yu gave a silent hand and waved back Anfu.
Such a precious place must be owned by my mother who has never met before.
Being such a treasure doesn’t mean that you can get it.
Unless the mother is in a very high position!
Thinking about wearing the Oracle since childhood, Long Pei Su Yu’s eyes are dark.
Anfu quietly back out when he saw this.
Everyone knows that Su Yu, the Emperor of Yanhuang, is ruthless and decisive, and he can laugh and kill a star field when he treats aliens with iron and blood.
But at the same time, the Emperor Yanhuang and Su was a man who was kind to the people and held a high position in his hand.
However, people know that the good name and the bad name are neck and neck, and the Emperor Yanhuang is a complete filial piety.
Feeling at the same time, Anfu heart also has some doubts.
This quiet cottage is one of the few treasures in Ziya Mountain.
Although Su Yu is an emperor of Terran and the first saint of Xinghai, can she live in this quiet cottage?
What is intriguing is that the construction of the quiet cottage originated from the request of the Virgin of Ziya Mountain.
Don’t Terran Su Yu Notre Dame have any connection?
Anfu secretly thought about it and quickly went to report the situation to the bodhi old zu of Ziya Mountain.
942 Chapter 942 Chapter 942 Zhang Anzhi Confucianism Calculation
Back to Ziya Mountain, the ancestral mountain!
Anfu told me everything that happened.
The bodhi old zu of Ziya Mountain naturally knows what happened at the entrance of Ziya Mountain, and the bodhi old zu is more willing to listen to Anfu to say what he thinks.
A dazzling twenty years have passed.
Seeing Su Long and Su Yu again, he couldn’t help feeling deeply.
I still remember that after the return of An Yuxin, he ordered people to build that quiet cottage.
After the cottage was built, she devoted herself to cultivation and ranked first.
Purple cliff mountain bodhi old zu staring at the bottom of Anfu eyes flashed a little thought.
Is it time to announce that the original owner has returned to Ziya Mountain as a minor theme?
Before he could speak, an announcer hurried in.
"The ancestors have something important to report."
The announcer knelt down toward the bodhi old zu low way
"Come on, there are no outsiders here."
The bodhi old zu of Ziya Mountain came to Anfu to smell the news, and his mind was shocked and his heart was ecstatic.
The bodhi old zu regards him as a confidant!
"The bodhi old zu Gu Tianjiao joined Liao and fell."
The bodhi old zu turned his mind to Ziya Mountain, and it was a little late to send the news today.
The announcer’s voice stopped and Confucianism immediately showed surprise.
Gu Tianjiao joined Liao. That’s a semi-dragon Tianjiao!
Who is so powerful that even Gu Tianjiao was killed!
"Is it a human place?"
Ann check Confucianism hurriedly asked
"It’s the first saint of Xinghai. The most terrible thing is that he didn’t even move his spiritual power, which led to the explosion of the ancient tianjiao."
"The celestial pride of Yan Huang only produced nine saints who killed dozens of scorpions, snakes and semi-dragons."
"Even the semi-dragon Yaolongtang was destroyed by Yanhuang."
The informant said in a low voice that his voice was a little unsettled.
Anyone who knows this kind of news will be shocked.
"This news can be taken seriously! ?”

Sue should Zhang Jinghong heart a loose hurriedly hand way

Su ying
Zhang Jinghong
The barefoot girl smiled and said, "Aren’t the two brothers going to invite your little sister to sit down?"
Su Ying Zhang Jinghong glances smiled and stretched out his hand to invite him to say with smile "Girl please"
With a smile on her face, the girl walked leisurely, and the jade bird fell off the boat. The wings of the jade bird behind her turned into a maid, and the girl followed her closely.
"Sure enough, mother bird!" Niu Shan beamed and made eyes at the bluebird.
The girl glared at him mercilessly and then looked up and ignored him. He was very proud and charming.
Su Ying asked the barefoot girl to sit down and smiled. "The girl should be passing by this time. I don’t know what I want to do with my brothers?"
"My surname is Su Ming Sunset, and this is my sister, Qingqueer Little Sister. You won’t take the liberty to visit two brothers, will you?"
Su Sunset laughed. "Just now, my little sister came on her way and suddenly she saw someone huffing and puffing and heard two breathtaking sounds, so she came to see the two brothers. She was relieved and malicious."
She has a strange charm. Although she is very straightforward, she does not hesitate to tell her stories directly, but it makes people feel good about her.
Su Ying said with a smile, "It’s just a temporary breakthrough that will make you lose your breath."
He didn’t explain the story. Su Ying, a vegetarian and a profound scholar, should guess that even if Zhang Jinghong teamed up with him, he would not be a rival.
When they talked, Zhang Jinghong thought for a moment, but then he suddenly looked up and said with surprise, "You are a sunset!"
Sunset Zhan Yan smiled and glanced at Zhang Jinghong and nodded, "Little sister is."
Su Ying looked at Zhang Jinghong with a suspicious face. This bitch seems to know a lot about this woman. Then she listened to him and explained, "It’s really what I said. Ahem, let me introduce it again. My name is Zhang Jinghong from mending the magic religion. This is my brother. Su Ying is a saint who shoots the venerable man."
As soon as Su Ying and Zhang Jinghong heard of Su Sunset, one of them was a mending-heaven magic sect, and the other one was even worse, but it was actually said that he was a younger brother of the venerable master.
Suddenly, the beautiful eyes looked at Su Ying for a few more times and then laughed. "It turns out that both of them are big sects, especially this Su Xiong turned out to be a younger brother."
Su Ying took a look at Zhang Jinghong, but when she saw this bitch staring at Su Sunset with a smug look on her face, she suddenly asked, "I wonder who the girl is?"
Before sunset talk aside Zhang Jinghong immediately beat way "bro, you are really ignorant! I don’t even know Miss Su. "
Sue should give him a hard stare. This bitch keeps showing off if she wants to have a beautiful woman next to her.
"Miss Su is a heavenly maid!"
Sunset nodded and smiled "Zhang Xiong said yes"
"Tianyao Palace?"
Sue should slightly think lining suddenly suddenly hand way "turned out to be a virgin cry cry"
The so-called Tianya Palace is the same as the Western Region, but the demon temple is one of the two major sects.
The demon temple is located in the south of the western regions, and the demon palace is in the middle of the wild forest in the north of the western regions.
It is said that the temple of the demon was a pulse phase, and then it was separated from the temple of the demon because of some changes.
When these two companies merged, they were collectively referred to as the Heavenly Demon Palace. Later, the Demon Temple stood on its own feet, and another group of demon families founded the Heavenly Shake Palace. When they came to commemorate the once heavenly demon Gong Er, they took a soaring attitude.
Because the demon family in this heavenly palace is a family of birds.
Su Ying looked up slightly and said, "Saint, it’s not just curiosity, is it?"
Day shake saint gently took a sip of tea for a moment before slightly laughed "it is not".
Chapter 349 Enlightenment
Su Ying, who sipped tea gently in the sunset, smiled. "The saint has something to say, and my brothers can do their best."
"Not bad, not bad"
Zhang Jinghong blinked and smiled. "It’s my pleasure to play for Saint."
Sue should leave the pie mouth and wait for the sunset without speaking.
"Both of them are dragons and phoenixes, and they are already dragons and tigers at a young age. In the future, they will become the top figures of their respective clans. Little sister wants to discuss it with you."
Su Sunset quickly cut to the chase and said, "To tell the truth, the reason why my little sister came to the door this time is because those two fascinating voices are still immature, but I can see that the potential is poor. My little sister wants two brothers to help."
"Miss Su, please speak."
Su Sunset smiled thoughtfully. "It’s a long story. Little sister has an enemy who has been after us. This time she came here to join hands with me to fight against the enemy. Of course, the benefits of two brothers are indispensable afterwards."
"What? I cann’t believe someone dares to kill you Miss Su, who are you talking about? This will cut him off. "Zhang Jinghong was outraged and rubbed his hands.
However, Su Ying shook his head slightly and looked cool. "It’s not good."
As soon as he said this, the two of them immediately looked at the sunset and asked, "What’s wrong?"
Su Ying said with a smile, "Girl, you are joking. If I’m not mistaken, at least you can’t cope with your enemy. Plus, Zhang Xiong and I are also fighting with each other. So forget it."
He saw clearly that there was no factor that the sunset promised to move.
Su Sunset nodded and looked strangely at Su Ying. She was confident and beautiful. It was inconvenient for her to shake her arms and shout. She killed many people, but the boy didn’t move at present.
Although Zhang Jinghong was confused by her, it was not stupid. Su Ying said that his heart was a little bit awkward and he didn’t say much.
"Master, you can help the vegetarian girl Bai, just as an old cow can also contribute." Niu Shan Su asked behind him to speak with a face of pleasing to look at the green sparrow behind the vegetarian sunset, but the other party was cold hum a root and ignored him
Sue should face a smoke in the heart can not help but dark scold this rammed goods.
"Go away."
He light drink a Niu Shan suddenly a face of shan shan stepped aside face also quite some not.
Su Ying secretly shook his head in his heart. This stupid thing is still good for this business. Su Ying is already a dragon and tiger, but he is still not enough to see the master of the fetal environment.
Su’s sunset repairs are less advanced than Yuan’s second child. This kind of repairs will be pursued. Su Ying and others have also sent food.
If others sue, by the way, they should also sell vegetarian sunset, even if it is not good, it is considered that the palace has a little friendship, but this is a life-threatening situation
Imagine losing your life. There’s another advantage.
"In that case, the little sister won’t force the two brothers."
Su Sunset chuckled. "By the way, my sister is a little tired after several days of traveling. I wonder if you can rest for a few days."
The first promise was Zhang Jinghong and the second was Niu Shan.
Damn it, these two idiots!
Sue should shake her head again and again. What do you mean unexpected trouble? This is called unexpected trouble!
However, if a beauty wants something, he can’t refuse it face to face. Nai nodded, "Go ahead, Miss Su."
The ship slowly flies. Zhang Jinghong’s room is practicing Niu Shan to please the green sparrow. Sue should be alone in the ship and look at the stars at night. I don’t know what to think.
Suddenly, he felt a sense of movement that someone came from behind without answering, "Miss Su doesn’t rest so late?"
"Brother Su didn’t have a rest either?"

This meal is delicious but expensive, but it is only five dishes and one soup, but it costs 2,000 yuan, especially the Australian lobster, which costs 100 yuan for a plate of drunken shrimp, 400 yuan for salted duck, 500 yuan because it is said that the local duck from a certain place makes two fried vegetables, which is about 50 yuan. Together, 100 radish ribs soup and 300 yuan of rice are not money.

The couple wolfed down the salted duck, which is an authentic southern native duck. It usually comes to make soup. Just to buy it, it costs one or two hundred yuan. The meat is tender, tender, abnormal and nutritious. Naturally, the price is expensive, and this duck is about six pounds. As a result, all three people have eaten it. Not only this dish, but also lobster, drunken shrimp and other dishes, including soup, have been swept away. Of course, there are three martial arts practitioners who have a large appetite, but the couple didn’t eat two meals:
Chapter 163 Newcomer
However, when the bill was settled, the couple felt dreary exercise. Although it seemed that the amount was sufficient, Shang Tang Lian called directly telling the clerk to deduct it from her chips.
This is true, but after all, these are obviously a family, so it is still possible to do so for convenience.
When three people were having dinner, Marco didn’t idle himself for the first time to tell Brother Seven about this matter. Brother Seven’s first reaction was to promise something strange. Why did Marco even ask himself about this trivial matter? Otherwise, it was such a trivial matter that he couldn’t find himself, especially Marco, who had never been right with himself, was so careful to accompany him, which made Brother Seven wonder what was wrong with it.
The seventh brother here also pulled out Marco and said this little thing. Marco’s family can finally get through it. Marco just said what happened just now again, focusing on the performance of a Shang Tang lotus.
This seven elder brothers finally solved the puzzle, but their hearts were depressed. Marco could have thought that seven elder brothers could never have imagined that it was not luck that seven elder brothers could sit in this position, but their brains may not be better than Marco’s, but they must be the same.
Seven elder brothers can’t help cursing Marco’s old fox in their hearts. What is natural because Marco is now equal to fighting with Seven Elder Brothers’ higher level than him? He threw this hot potato to Seven Elder Brothers. Let’s go back to Shang Tang Lotus. If there is any conspiracy, Seven Elder Brothers will be prostrate. It’s not allowed, is it? Shang Tanglian’s fifteen million dollars can be taken away today. Although the casino seems to have no loss, it is also equivalent to doing nothing. Even if it’s in his own body, the seventh brother can’t easily decide. Looking at Marco’s smiling face, he will know that Marco can’t have a good thing to do when he finds himself.
Just as Brother Qi and Brother Marco pushed the matter around, the door was pushed, and they were furious. Who came in without knocking? I want to die, right? I don’t know if things are being discussed in it now, and I dare to be so casual.
Immediately, it was rare for these two people to agree to show the people who came in. As a result, when they saw the people, their anger dissipated, they smiled and of course they respected them.
See two people respectfully bent down to say hello to people "hello, young master".
Seeing people nodding, Brother Qi couldn’t help asking, "Why did you come here today?"
Come to humanity. "There is nothing I heard that you have something to discuss. Let’s not see if there is anything that can make Marco undecided and make you two argue. This is somewhat interesting. If you don’t mind, Marco, tell me what is the big deal that can make you two so entangled."
Marco is in conflict with Brother Seven, but he knows all about it. When he heard that Marco was going to ask Brother Seven for advice, he was interested. He came in on a whim to visit.
Marco didn’t dare to elaborate on what happened before, and then Marco stopped talking and looked at the bearer.
People didn’t even listen to Marco’s explanation, but they also thought of the same problem. Besides, outsiders were also very interested. I don’t know who was so powerful and wanted to meet it. I don’t know how to hear about it. People thought of a girl he had met before. That girl was also cold and informal. Of course, there were some weird things. Marco said that when he accidentally thought of each other, he was also interested in the little beauty in Marco’s mouth and wanted to meet it.
The bearer waved his hand and said, "All right, leave this matter to me. You can go to work, Marco. If they come over later, you can bring them to me and I will solve it. If the other party is harmless, then this is not a problem."
Marco and Brother Seven don’t know this truth, but there is no objection to seeing people say so. What’s more, people are willing to take over, and they are also welcome. They are worried that this hot potato has nowhere to throw.
Immediately Marco and Brother Qi respectfully said, "It’s a young master." Then Marco added, "I’ll take them to find the young master when they come over."
When the bearer nodded with satisfaction, he didn’t know how long the other party had eaten this meal. After thinking about it, he left a bodyguard there and took others around for a tour.
Just when Shang Tang Lian and the other three found it, the bearer had just made a patrol. It wasn’t long before I heard that Shang Tang Lian had come, looked at the remaining space and left.
Into the room, people looked at sitting there waiting for people to be shocked. It was rare for Shang Tang Lian to have a flash of surprise in her eyes. They didn’t expect to meet each other in life. They didn’t expect to meet again soon.
Huangfuying spoke first. "Shang Tang Lotus is really you. How did you come here? Did Marco just say that it was you?"
Shang Tanglian took a look at Huangfuying. Compared with the previous look, he looks pale and looks much better now. Presumably, his body injury is almost the same. Today, Huangfuying is wearing a white trench coat, and the whole person looks tall and handsome. Compared with the misty light that day, Shang Tang Lotus looks more clear today.
Shang Tang Lotus nodded slightly. "Well, I see that your face is much better and your body is hurt."
Huangfuying nodded, "Well, it’s all good once, thanks to your help."
Marco followed Huangfuying and heard that Shang Tang Lian had come and followed him. He wanted to introduce them to each other. Who knew that his young master knew each other and immediately surprised, "Young master, do you know this business lady?"
Huangfuying said, "I happened to meet once before." Although Marco had several questions in his heart, Huangfuying didn’t explain the meaning to Marco.
Now that they know each other, it will be easier to handle this matter. There is no problem for the young master to make decisions. Marco is also relieved, so he said to Huangfuying, "Young master, in this case, let me know when the young master has the results. I’ll go to work first."
Huangfuying nodded. "Well, I see. You go first."
Although I know Shang Tang Lotus, I still have to ask clearly what Shang Tang Lotus is going to do. I doubt that Shang Tanglian is a spy sent by the other party. Huangfuying has no doubt that if the spy can make moves, it will ruin the opponent’s half-life happiness, which is enough to pull hatred. If so, Huangfuying also recognizes it:
Chapter 164 Silly
The Huangfuying also asked Shang Tang Lian "What did you ask your parents to do in our casino? Where did you learn gambling skills?"
Shang Tang Lian didn’t admit that she had the other side to confuse her gambling skills. Her parents didn’t care if it was Huangfuying. Shang Tang Lian picked her own answer. "I can tell you that my purpose is simple, and you don’t doubt who sent me. I just want to exercise them. It’s best to let them learn some management techniques and get in touch with some management things for reasons. Please tell me, of course, they can avoid some things involving secrets in your casino. I will also tell them not to be too curious. After half a year, they can leave, but I ask not to know the horse.
"What are the requirements" HuangFuYing really don’t know Shang Tang lotus think this is not a requirement that what is a requirement?
Shang Tang Lian said faintly, "My request is very simple. My parents come to your place as Dutch officials, so the salary and salary are the same as yours. These are secondary, mainly because I ask my parents that if they meet the promotion conditions, you must give my parents a promotion regardless of their qualifications. As I said just now, I am training their management ability."
Shang Tang lotus, after all, for this reason, it is natural to ask the other party for some qualifications. After all, this is to let the other party give a back door or a big back door. Shang Lian explained one.
Huangfuying hesitated for a long time. Although I don’t know what Shang Tang Lotus is going to do and exercise her parents, this statement is really strange. However, after listening to Marco’s report today and her contact with Shang Tanglian that day, Huangfuying is somewhat clear. It seems that Shang Tang Lotus is really strong and even takes charge at home.
Want to see this Huangfuying nodded with a smile. "I agree with you, but we can see his qualifications, but others may not necessarily be in this period. If something happens, don’t blame us for some interpersonal relationships and don’t think about how we can protect them."
Shang Tang Lotus nodded, "That’s good. You can stick to the rules and do things without hurting your life. Everything else is good to say. If something incalculable really happens, you can also call me to get involved in life. I want to exercise them, not let them experience it." Shang Tang Lotus also has this meaning. What Huang Fuying said is just what she wants. She is very worried that Huang Fuying will give the couple too many back doors, and she also emphasizes that she is letting the couple exercise.
Shang Tang Lian didn’t bother with Huangfuying politely. He solved what he wanted to do and had a good meal. At present, the little handsome boy is as beautiful as ever. Shang Tang Lian is in a good mood. "I will let them come to class on a good day."
Huangfuying said, "But I’ll let Marco arrange it."
"Thanks for these chips, I’ll give them back to you." Shang Tanglian kept his word.
Huangfuying said, "Leave five million. This is the loss left in our casino. I’m in charge. You can take it back." Anyway, this five million has made up for the loss, and Marco won’t deduct the money left. Huangfuying can see that Shang Tanglian won’t be the thing in the pool. Maybe it will be her time later.
Shang Tang Lian is also welcome, so it’s better. She has earned 10 million more, which is much better than working hard in the stock market.
After things were agreed, Shang Tang Lian took the couple home.

Feng Lin said lightly, "Don’t look at me. I’m a mercenary with money to help people eliminate disasters. The Belan government entrusted me to protect you. I’ll be responsible for protecting you. Whether you want to save them or not is beyond my control, but I can give you a piece of advice. Peacekeeping forces are not allowed to intervene in the war in the region. This is a violation of the UN resolution, and peacekeeping will become armed intervention, which will bring great diplomatic pressure to the country."

Wang Ning can’t help but hesitate.
In the distance, there are guns and shells exploding. You can see the shells exploding here. Don’t say that the rebels are killing and being chased by the rebels. The civilians are almost desperate. I don’t know who took the lead. First, one by one, then one by one. Finally, thousands of people knelt down. They have a way to go. The peace peninsula guards the only safe passage. Besides, to the left, there are surging rivers, and to the right, there are mine-covered roads and agricultural reclamation areas. Besides, even if there are roads, what can the rebels do? They have a lot of trucks Now the only hope is to hide in the peace peninsula. Maybe the rebels will be afraid to attack the base because of China’s national prestige. They can save their lives. What’s the point of kneeling to the peacekeeping force?
Wang Ning looked sad and called "Dismantle some roadblocks and let them pass!"
Feng Lin said, "If you do this, the rebels will probably take it out on you and the whole base will suffer."
Wang Ning is bold.
Say, "So what? It’s not a day or two to keep looking at those bastards! If you want to fight, who are we afraid of? "
Feng Lin said, "If the rebels insist on pursuing, they will definitely go through our base. Will you let them go?"
Wang Ning said, "Fart!"
Feng Lin said, "I’m afraid you can’t be a major because of the conflict."
Wang Ning said, "Even if the boss wants to punish me, I have to have a life to go back!"
Soldiers of peacekeeping forces moved some roadblocks to direct refugees to pass quickly and orderly, which violated various provisions of the United Nations code of conduct for peacekeeping forces. The suspicion of armed intervention in the region made the Republic criticized by various countries. Feng Lin was right. This major Wang Ning really failed-after returning to China, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel. When he saw many refugees, he couldn’t walk. Wang Ning simply asked heavy trucks of transport forces to send them away. A dozen heavy trucks were immediately crowded with people except. There is no place where there is no one outside the wheel. Fortunately, Belan people still love each other until now, so that the old, the weak, the women and the children can see their magic needles in the car. Wang Ning roughly estimated that when they were a darling, they were transported away for more than half of the camp. Looking at the meat ball truck, his heart was pulled up. You know, the road to the capital was blocked by mines, and the dirt road was bumpy. Can’t you play a lot of flying people with such a bump? Thanks to their laughter.
Suffering refugees moved quickly, and it didn’t take long for the mercenaries to barricade the intersection again and start to mine the conflict. It’s rare to prepare for the war early. The soldiers all got enough ammunition and several mortars were moved out. Since they all stepped in, it’s better to do it more thoroughly. Just after this preparation, a long line of broken cars came from the distance. The cars were also crowded with people, not less than two or three thousand people were wearing machine guns, and many armed bayonets were carrying flesh and blood. Blurred heads Some people even saw some 15-and 16-year-old baby soldiers carrying submachine guns with a bunch of black stuff hanging around their necks. It was the male genital baby soldiers who cut them and wore them as amulets! Looking at all this, Wang Ning almost vomited in his stomach. Are these guys really human? Look at their fierce and bloodthirsty eyes, they all look like a group of wild animals!
The Fenglin Grenade launcher fired a shocking bomb with a strong light and a huge explosion to warn the other party that this road is blocked! The motorcade stopped quickly, and the armed men jumped out of the car and hid themselves on the spot. An officer dressed in rags growled with a fierce expression and slapped a hip pistol from time to time. Wang Ning was very arrogant. He knew nothing about Bein. Please ask Feng Lin to translate the wind.
Lin is proficient in many languages, which is also an important reason why he was sent here. Feng Lin said, "He said that he is the general department of Solacha and asked us to hand over those untouchables, or he would kill us all and scalp the base commander to make a holster!"
Wang Ning said, "You tell him that we have never seen any refugees. They are barking up the wrong tree!"
In the past, the officer grimaced and said, "We have been tracking us down. Don’t try to cheat us! Whoever dares to shield our enemy is our enemy! "
Wang Ning stubbornly said, "then let me be your enemy! Open your eyes and see clearly that this is the headquarters of the peacekeeping forces of the Republic of China, not the place where you run wild. Get out of here as soon as possible! "
The officer turned violently and shouted at his department, "Warriors, these aliens are trying to shield General Solacha’s enemies. What do you think we should do?"
Thousands of rebels shouted "kill them all!"
"Dig them up and cook!"
"Cut their heads and hang them on the bedside!"
"pry their skulls and light candles!"
Violent roar swept through the night like a storm, making people feel weak, but the base was quiet and quiet, as if thousands of people were killing without blinking an eye. The rebels were different. Every soldier, whether a peacekeeping engineer or a mercenary, clenched his weapon.
War is on the verge.
The third chapter outpost (3)
Liu Weiping, a rebel of the Republic peacekeeping force Solacha, was questioned by the special investigation team of the Military Commission when the jet lag in Beijing was small. He went too far in the Annan War, especially in the South China Sea War, which led to extremely serious consequences.
Minister of Political Affairs: "Why do you want to go its own way to trigger a war in the South China Sea and make the situation almost out of control?"
Liu Weiping "Because that is our best and last chance to solve the South China Sea issue, we will regret it if we miss it!"
Minister of Political Affairs "But do you know that all the diplomatic efforts of our country in the past 20 years have been wasted because you are bent on your own way?"
Liu Weiping said, "I know."
Minister, "Do you know that because of this war, everyone in Asia thinks that we are public enemies?"
Liu Weiping "I know"
Minister: "Your indiscretion has made the national international stage extremely passive!"
Liu Weiping "But we have taken the initiative in the South China Sea issue"
Minister, "You have us surrounded!"
Liu Weiping "But it also inspires the wildness and cohesion of foreigners. History has long proved that we are not afraid of foreign worries and troubles. When all foreign enemies are knocked down, we will inevitably start to consume ourselves. In the end, we will consume ourselves. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, we have always maintained a high degree of centripetal force. That is because we are surrounded by enemies. Our territorial waters have been cruising for a long time, and several aircraft carriers and ships are located in the three northern areas. The long border of the Soviet Union is in danger of national subjugation and extinction! Under such great pressure, the people of our country are highly United, which makes the country dare not easily challenge our bottom line! Now that the Cold War pattern has undergone drastic changes, this long cold war will come to an end at the latest ten years, and we will also usher in a golden age of development … "
Several high-ranking figures shook their eyes and asked, "Since you know everything, why are you so impulsive to disrupt the historical development track?"
Liu Weiping: "Because I don’t want to see our country once again fall into the historical cycle where there is no foreign invasion, there will be worries. Since there is no enemy, we will start fighting. Why can’t we start to create some less powerful enemies for ourselves as soon as possible?" What’s more, these monkeys still occupy our territorial waters, which is even more unbearable! "
Minister: "We all know that the problem is that you have gone too far. Because of this battle, we lost a whole generation of naval elites. Such a serious loss is our law!"
The military representative suddenly spoke. "
The military regards this battle as a military history honor. "
The representative of the navy said, "This battle is the eternal pride of the navy."
The minister is somewhat choked.
Chief sternly said, "even if you are right, you should shoot such a serious thing without the consent of the military commission and ZongCan!" You have to know that the army is the most sophisticated machine, and everything must be closely meshed to keep it running efficiently. If you are as free as you want, the only result will be chaos. Is that what you want to see? "
Liu Weiping doesn’t talk.
The chief commander said, "You can’t shoot ten times for committing a crime. Seeing that you will make amends and command the army to win the naval battle, I will give you a chance to admit your mistake and write a good word of not less than 10,000 words to review your attitude of admitting your mistake. This matter is over."
Liu Weiping asked, "What if I don’t review?"
The general manager said, "You can choose one if you are suspended."
Liu Weiping said that everyone in the "I choose to suspend my post" place showed a look of regret. Even from the beginning, I was prepared to give Liu Weiping a lesson to let him know that everything should give priority to the core interests of the country, and the minister is no exception. Everyone knows that the future of this tartar is limitless, and it is rare for the country to be loyal. The suspension of an excellent general is definitely a heavy blow to his future. Maybe it will have a bad impact on his half life. This price is not too great, and it is a huge loss for him and the country!
The general manager was a little annoyed. "Are you really not considering it anymore?"
Liu Weiping was about to speak when the Minister coughed and said, "This Xiaoliu has made great contributions. His suspension is a bit too much. Why don’t you let him take a half-month vacation first? I believe he will figure out a lot of problems when he has this leisure time. Let’s stop here. Let’s come up with a plan to completely control the East China Sea and the South China Sea as soon as possible. This is a rare opportunity. If the iron is not hot, it is likely that those monkeys will dig up our territorial waters one by one …"
The minister said so. Everyone has different opinions and can swallow them. In fact, the generals have no problem with Liu Weiping. This question is a bit for the Ministry of Political Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It means that it is not a day or two since they want to fight this battle. Liu Weiping pushed hard behind them and made them famous in World War I. How can there be opinions? This guy is causing trouble every day. Yes, but everyone refuses to allow him to suspend his duties. Fortunately, the minister’s adult is still sensible. Hold it high and gently fall to everyone’s satisfaction.
The chief said, "No, he is too sexual. If this sex is not changed, it will destroy him sooner or later and even bring to the country."
Great disaster! We can’t spoil him like this any longer. I have decided that Major General Liu Weiping, the head of the military advisory group, will be responsible for the military assistance of the brotherly countries and come back as the teacher when he comes to his senses! "
The minister hesitated. "Is this … appropriate?"
The total length looked at Liu Weiping.
Liu Weiping said calmly, "I accept this life."
The minister asked, "Are you sure you don’t think about one any more?"
Liu Weiping said, "If you make a mistake, you have to pay the price. There is nothing to consider."
The minister sighed and left together.
The great men dispersed one after another, leaving Liu Weiping and the chief commander to sit face to face for a long time.
It took the chief commander a long time to ask, "Have you really considered it?"
Liu Weiping said, "I have considered it very clearly."
The chief asked, "why do you have to choose such a difficult road for yourself?" You know, if you stay in the country, even if you don’t make any great contributions, you can step by step with your previous achievements. Come on, I’m going to transfer you to the second department of ZongCan in half a year … "
Liu Weiping Nai shrugged and said, "I keep in mind that the chief cultivates me, but how can I put it? I’m really not suitable for step by step. I’m a natural troublemaker. If I want to be quiet, I might as well let me die."
The chief didn’t good the spirit say, "Stop smirking there and get serious! You know, if you accept this life, you will become the highest commander of the Yanlong Corps, that is, the head of mercenaries. Mercenaries are not protected by international conventions, and they will die in vain. If you encounter danger, the country may give you support by law rather than condemn you on specific occasions for diplomatic needs … Are you really ready to face these? "